
Archives at Risk 2016: Archiving Tomorrow

1-3 June 2016 at the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Ireland

The full programme of that conference can ce consulted here.


ARCHIVES AT RISK... "Saving our worldwide heritage"

Organised by KES international and supported by FOCAL international, Save Your Archive programme of FIAT/IFTA, RTÉ Archives, Digital Repository Ireland/Royal Irish Academy and Coordinating Council for Audiovisual Archive Associations, Archiving Tomorrow took place from 1-3 June 2016 at the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Ireland

It was a special 2-day world conference to highlight the single most important issue facing the audiovisual archive world today: Saving the endangered Audiovisual Archive heritage of the world before it is too late!

The conference was organised in association with RTE in Dublin and a number of key local and world partner associations who share this common goal. We will bring together, world audiovisual leaders, associations, heritage bodies, policy and decision makers, industry experts, funders and supporters and anyone who can help to raise awareness, exchange ideas knowhow and identify solutions.

Much of the world’s audiovisual archives remain on decaying carriers and require urgent intervention if they are to survive into the current millennium. Experts maintain there is about 10-15 years remaining to achieve this. The risks are considerable.

Worldwide audiovisual archives are under threat, whether from climatic issues, storage conditions, war & conflict, neglect and often simply lack of know-how, resources and critically, lack of funding. Success stories as well as challenges were debated and discussed at the Dublin Archiving Tomorrow 2016 conference, themed 'Archives at Risk.'

To find out more about the archives at risk please see...www.archivesatrisk.com

Videos of the Panels

Here are links to videos of the discussions held at the Dublin Conference.

  • International Panel discuss the current state of Film Archiving worldwide, looking at support and funding models. With Fiona Maxwell of the British Film Institute (UK); Kasandra O'Connell, Head of IFI Irish Film Archive Moderated by Sue Malden, Focal International : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O460Y25QyU
  • International Panel discuss the current state of Television Archiving worldwide, looking at support and funding models. With Stephanie Comey Broadcast Authority (Ireland); Camille Martin, Ina (France); Debbie Esmans of VIAA (Belgium); Brid Dooley, Head of Archives, RTÉ (Ireland): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7uGACOoRo0
  • Expert panel discussion on generic international approaches to funding (including crowdfunding) and archiving models. With Dominic Dare Joint CEO of LOLA clips(UK/USA); Aiden McCullen, Head of Innovation, Partnerships and Funding, RTÉ Digital (Ireland); Sarah Middleton, Digital Preservation Coalition , (UK).Moderated by Brid Dooley, Head of Archives, RTÉ & representative of FIAT/IFTA (Ireland) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dnkERuIihk 
  • International Panel discuss the current state of Sound Archiving worldwide, looking at support and funding models .With Richard Ranft of the British Library (UK) Save Our Sound project; Matt Barton, Association of Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)(USA) on the ARSC Outreach program; Grace Toland of the Traditional Irish Music Archive (Ireland) and Michael Casey, Indiana University( USA). Moderated by Richard Ranft, a representative of the International Association of Sound Archives (IASA) and Matt Barton, Association of Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODg_e7Q2QPE


Archives at Risk 2016: Archiving Tomorrow

1-3 June 2016 at the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Ireland

The full programme of that conference can ce consulted here.


ARCHIVES AT RISK... "Saving our worldwide heritage"

Organised by KES international and supported by FOCAL international, Save Your Archive programme of FIAT/IFTA, RTÉ Archives, Digital Repository Ireland/Royal Irish Academy and Coordinating Council for Audiovisual Archive Associations, Archiving Tomorrow took place from 1-3 June 2016 at the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Ireland

It was a special 2-day world conference to highlight the single most important issue facing the audiovisual archive world today: Saving the endangered Audiovisual Archive heritage of the world before it is too late!

The conference was organised in association with RTE in Dublin and a number of key local and world partner associations who share this common goal. We will bring together, world audiovisual leaders, associations, heritage bodies, policy and decision makers, industry experts, funders and supporters and anyone who can help to raise awareness, exchange ideas knowhow and identify solutions.

Much of the world’s audiovisual archives remain on decaying carriers and require urgent intervention if they are to survive into the current millennium. Experts maintain there is about 10-15 years remaining to achieve this. The risks are considerable.

Worldwide audiovisual archives are under threat, whether from climatic issues, storage conditions, war & conflict, neglect and often simply lack of know-how, resources and critically, lack of funding. Success stories as well as challenges were debated and discussed at the Dublin Archiving Tomorrow 2016 conference, themed 'Archives at Risk.'

To find out more about the archives at risk please see...www.archivesatrisk.com

Videos of the Panels

Here are links to videos of the discussions held at the Dublin Conference.

  • International Panel discuss the current state of Film Archiving worldwide, looking at support and funding models. With Fiona Maxwell of the British Film Institute (UK); Kasandra O'Connell, Head of IFI Irish Film Archive Moderated by Sue Malden, Focal International : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O460Y25QyU
  • International Panel discuss the current state of Television Archiving worldwide, looking at support and funding models. With Stephanie Comey Broadcast Authority (Ireland); Camille Martin, Ina (France); Debbie Esmans of VIAA (Belgium); Brid Dooley, Head of Archives, RTÉ (Ireland): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7uGACOoRo0
  • Expert panel discussion on generic international approaches to funding (including crowdfunding) and archiving models. With Dominic Dare Joint CEO of LOLA clips(UK/USA); Aiden McCullen, Head of Innovation, Partnerships and Funding, RTÉ Digital (Ireland); Sarah Middleton, Digital Preservation Coalition , (UK).Moderated by Brid Dooley, Head of Archives, RTÉ & representative of FIAT/IFTA (Ireland) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dnkERuIihk 
  • International Panel discuss the current state of Sound Archiving worldwide, looking at support and funding models .With Richard Ranft of the British Library (UK) Save Our Sound project; Matt Barton, Association of Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC)(USA) on the ARSC Outreach program; Grace Toland of the Traditional Irish Music Archive (Ireland) and Michael Casey, Indiana University( USA). Moderated by Richard Ranft, a representative of the International Association of Sound Archives (IASA) and Matt Barton, Association of Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODg_e7Q2QPE