
Statement by the CCAAA about the Cinemateca Brasileira

The Board of the Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) stated our concern for the neglectful situation at the Cinemateca Brasileira in October 2020. Our statement can be found here.

On July 29, 2021, a fire engulfed one of Cinemateca Brasileira’s storage facilities, burning four tons of historical films and documentation. Our concern, unfortunately, has proven correct. Without proper custodianship of Brazil's rich film heritage, it cannot be preserved.

CCAAA members FIAF and AMIA have both issued statements regarding this fire. And we at CCAAA support these statements and wish to share them with you. FIAF's statement can be consulted here, and AMIA's statement here.

Additionally, the workers of the Cinemateca Brasileira have written this manifesto regarding the staffing conditions and the fire of 29 July.

We therefore again urgently call on all relevant stakeholders, funding, policy and government agencies responsible for the stewardship of this priceless heritage to take the full measure of this dramatic situation into account and find an urgent solution, including proper funding and rehiring of the staff needed for the Cinemateca Brasileira to carry out its essential mission to preserve Brazil’s cultural memory. 

Prof. Toby Seay

Chair of the CCAAA

On behalf of the CCAAA Board

30 July 2021

Statement by the CCAAA about the Cinemateca Brasileira

The Board of the Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) stated our concern for the neglectful situation at the Cinemateca Brasileira in October 2020. Our statement can be found here.

On July 29, 2021, a fire engulfed one of Cinemateca Brasileira’s storage facilities, burning four tons of historical films and documentation. Our concern, unfortunately, has proven correct. Without proper custodianship of Brazil's rich film heritage, it cannot be preserved.

CCAAA members FIAF and AMIA have both issued statements regarding this fire. And we at CCAAA support these statements and wish to share them with you. FIAF's statement can be consulted here, and AMIA's statement here.

Additionally, the workers of the Cinemateca Brasileira have written this manifesto regarding the staffing conditions and the fire of 29 July.

We therefore again urgently call on all relevant stakeholders, funding, policy and government agencies responsible for the stewardship of this priceless heritage to take the full measure of this dramatic situation into account and find an urgent solution, including proper funding and rehiring of the staff needed for the Cinemateca Brasileira to carry out its essential mission to preserve Brazil’s cultural memory. 

Prof. Toby Seay

Chair of the CCAAA

On behalf of the CCAAA Board

30 July 2021